Renewable Energy Grants

Renewable energy grants for your home

Several government grants are available to help homeowners transition to cleaner, greener energy alternatives.

These grants can greatly reduce the costs of installing renewable energy systems, making sustainable home upgrades more accessible than ever.

Find out if you’re eligible for a grant

To streamline your renewable energy journey, we’ve gathered a list of home energy grants you might be eligible for

ECO4 Funding Scheme UK

ECO4 helps households with a range of energy-saving measures, including access to heating and insulation grants.

Warm and Well

Grants for homeowners and landlords without mains gas heating.
Helping you upgrade heating systems and improve energy efficiency.

The Great British Insulation Scheme

Provides free insulation improvements for individuals receiving benefits or with low incomes, as well as homeowners with a low-efficiency rating and a council tax band of A to D.

Barclays Greener Home Reward

If you have a residential mortgage with Barclays, they may assist with the cost of adding renewable energy solutions to your home.

If you don't have a mortgage with Barclays, check with your bank to see if they offer a similar scheme.

Home Upgrade Grant (HUG)

The Home Upgrade Grant offers energy efficiency upgrades and low-carbon heating through local authority funding to households in England that:

  • Are low income
  • Are off the gas grid
  • Have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) between D and G
  • Live in a specific local authority area

Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS)

The government-backed EVHS offers up to £350 off the cost of purchasing and installing a home charging point.

This grant is available to landlords, flat owners, and renters.

Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS)

The government-backed EVHS offers up to £350 off the cost of purchasing and installing a home charging point.

This grant is available to landlords, flat owners, and renters.

Looking to Finance Your Solar PV System?

If you would like to spread the cost of buying your PV system, you can do so with our finance a partner.